Burnout is not just about feeling tired; it’s physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged workplace stress. For medical professionals, do any of these ring true?


We'll handle the hard work, you enjoy peace of mind.
We focus on Short Term Rental Portfolios, Real Estate Debt Funds and Multifamily Apartment opportunities.
We look for investments with high growth indicators while also providing strong Risk-Adjusted returns and strategies to minimize risk. PRESERVATION OF CAPITAL IS ALWAYS AT THE FOREFRONT.
We aim to provide you different asset classes so you can build a robust and diversified real estate portfolio
For 14+ years, I've been fortunate to call Boston, MA, my home. Specifically, the North End, known as the "Little Italy" of Boston, is considered the best Little Italy in the country. Within the North End lies North Square, one of the oldest public squares in the United States, and has been continuously occupied since at least the 1630s. This enduring presence and historical significance symbolize the timeless value of the real estate—an asset that never goes away, providing a secure and stable investment opportunity. Real estate has been a cornerstone of wealth building for centuries. It's how 90% of millionaires have built their wealth. Inspired by this history and tradition, North Square Capital is committed to helping you build enduring wealth and create a legacy through carefully selected real estate investments. Just as North Square has stood the test of time, so too can the investments we make together, ensuring our clients benefit from this ever-enduring asset class.



Rob Natale, AIFA®
"Why do you do what you do?" "Why is it important to you?" "Why medical professionals?"
I often encounter these questions, and I'm eager to share my story with you.
For several years, I was deeply entrenched in the world of asset management. My days were filled with working alongside financial advisors, promoting investment products like mutual funds, ETFs, College 529 plans, and more. Some of these advisors and their teams managed substantial assets, surpassing the $3 billion mark.
However, I couldn't help but notice that these highly successful teams operated in isolation. They rarely shared new ideas or strategies that could benefit a more sophisticated audience – people like you and me.
Let's contrast this with the medical industry, where collaboration and sharing information have been at the core of its existence. Medical professionals have always pooled their knowledge and resources to provide the best care for their patients.
This stark contrast made me reevaluate my career path, eventually leading me to where I am today.
I come from a family where several relatives dedicated their lives to medicine. I witnessed their unwavering dedication, tireless efforts to care for their patients, and selfless nature, always putting others' needs before their own.
However, I also saw the toll it took on them – exhaustion, burnout, and overwhelming stress. Work-life balance was a luxury they couldn't afford. On top of it all, I saw how the financial services industry poorly served them.
A lightbulb went off for me - I knew what I needed to do.
My mission is to help you defeat BURNOUT, build YOUR wealth, and retire on YOUR terms through passive real estate investing.
Many of the strategies we employ are used exclusively by the top 10% of American wealth, strategies that the financial services industry does a poor job of delivering to our country’s medical professionals.
If you’re curious to learn more about these approaches that high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth Americans use, please feel free to reach out.
Having seen what medical professionals do for our society, it would be my honor to give you my personal time and introduce you to the way I feel you should be served.
Qui languerat sanum
To your (financial) health,
Rob Natale, AIFA®
Buy Back Your Time And Expand Your Wealth Today

We'll source investing opportunities that match our strict criteria and meet your investing goals and share those details with you so you can invest alongside us.

Once you invest you’ll be on your way to enjoying the benefits of building and protecting your wealth, so you can feel confident about your financial future.
You deserve the peace of mind to focus solely on patient care without the added concern of building wealth.
You don't have to worry about being at the mercy of the stock market
You don't have to worry if you'll have enough income to sustain your lifestyle through retirement.
You don't have to settle for unpredictability
You don't have to take on a ton of risk to generate rewarding returns.
You don't have to be stressed about your investments any longer

A Track Record of Performance

$97M+ in current open loans
$363M+ funded since inception
ZERO deficiencies resulting in losses to investors
90-day liquidity: access to your capital when you need it
Never missed a monthly payment to investors
15+ year track record in hard money lending
*Figures as of October 2024

140+ Properties across nine markets that have been acquired, designed, owned, and/or exited across Funds 1 and 2 **
8 Exits Tested with a 42% average IRR in our first portfolio (17% projected) **
$5M+ in distributions **
69% more revenue than our competition*
40% more occupancy than our competition*
6,000+ reviews from guests, partners, and investors **
*When compared to 3rd party data from companies like
AirDNA at the 50th percentile as of 02/01/24
** Figures as of September 2024

$2.3B+ in total transactions
55 Assets acquired, totaling over 10,378 units
Over $110M in distributions
Never done a Capital Call
11 Full Cycle Deals
Projected Performance:
IRR: 15.4%
EM: 1.90x
Hold Period: 60 months
Actual Performance
IRR: 70.5%
EM: 2.11x
Hold Period: 17.7 months
*Figures as of October 2024
& get your FREE copy of the FINANCIAL Rx PLAYBOOK.

As a dedicated provider of passive real estate investment opportunities, I pledge to uphold the following principles:
1. Preservation of Capital:
- I will prioritize the preservation of my clients' capital, employing strategies that mitigate risk and safeguard their investments while seeking to achieve their financial goals.
2. Integrity and Honesty:
- I will always act with integrity and honesty in all my real estate dealings, providing accurate and truthful information to my clients, partners, and stakeholders.
3. Client-Centered Approach:
- I will prioritize my clients' best interests, ensuring that their financial goals, needs, and preferences are at the forefront of every decision.
4. Transparency:
- I will maintain transparency in all transactions and communications, providing clear and comprehensive explanations of real estate opportunities and the benefits and risks involved.
5. Confidentiality:
- I will respect the confidentiality of my client's personal information, ensuring that all data is securely protected and shared only with authorized parties.
6. Competence and Continuous Learning:
- I will strive for excellence by continually updating my knowledge and skills and staying informed about the latest developments in real estate.
7. Fairness and Objectivity:
- I will treat all clients fairly and objectively, avoiding conflicts of interest and providing unbiased advice in their best interest.
8. Diligence and Prudence:
- I will exercise due diligence and prudence in all real estate investment activities, ensuring that decisions are well-researched and based on sound financial principles.
9. Accountability:
- I will take responsibility for my actions and decisions, acknowledge and correct any mistakes, and continuously seek to improve my practices.
10. Commitment to Client's Success:
I will be committed to my clients' long-term financial success, working tirelessly to help them achieve their goals and secure their financial future.
By adhering to this Financial Hippocratic Oath, I pledge to uphold the values of trust, integrity, and professionalism in all my financial endeavors.
Qui languerat sanctum
To your (financial) health,
Rob Natale, AIFA®
Rob Natale